Turn good writing into great writing.
My professional copy editing, writing, and tutoring services can help you achieve your goals.
We read, speak, and think using words every day, but even the best students and business professionals often find writing intimidating. Why is it so hard to put our thoughts into words? If you struggle with writing, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
My Services
1 hr
Initial Consult Free1 hr
Pricing varies1 hr
60 US dollars
Pricing for Editing
I charge per-word for all editing services based on the extent of the editing required. My minimum fee is $100.
For all editing jobs, we will first meet online to look at your draft and discuss your project and needs. Based on that meeting, I will send you a proposal confirming the pricing and timeline for your project. Rush jobs (five-day or less) will receive a 10 percent mark-up. After I receive your signed proposal, I will make my edits in tracked changes and send them to you for your review and comment. We will go back and forth like this until all of your (and my) questions have been answered and any issues in the text have been resolved.
Light Edit (Proofreading)
$0.03 per word
Light edits are limited to editing on the word and sentence level and don't involve much or any substantive rewriting.
Medium Edit (Copy Edit)
A medium edit can include more structural issues on the sentence and paragraph level.
Heavy Edit (Substantive Edit)
A heavy edit can include all of the above plus structural issues on the document level, such as the reordering of paragraphs or cutting of redundant text, which calls for a more nuanced and in-depth understanding of the text.